Descent Into Avernus PDF – Free Download

Dungeons & Dragons, the iconic tabletop role-playing game, has a rich history of captivating adventures that transport players to fantastical realms filled with mystery, danger, and magic. 

Among these adventures, “Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus” stands out as a thrilling and unforgettable journey into the heart of darkness. 

In this official Dungeons & Dragons adventure module, players are thrust into a harrowing tale that begins in the bustling city of Baldur’s Gate and descends into the infernal depths of the Nine Hells.

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In the city of Baldur’s Gate, a terrible tragedy strikes as the city is pulled into the depths of the Nine Hells, the infernal plane of existence. Players take on the roles of heroes who must investigate the cause of this catastrophe and restore order to the city.

As the adventure unfolds, players embark on a treacherous journey that leads them from the bustling streets of Baldur’s Gate to the nightmarish landscapes of Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells. Along the way, they’ll face demons, devils, and other malevolent creatures, all while making morally complex decisions that impact the fate of the city and the multiverse itself.

“Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus” is known for its challenging encounters, moral dilemmas, and opportunities for epic storytelling. It’s a thrilling adventure that tests the bravery and resolve of adventurers as they confront the darkest forces imaginable while attempting to save a city from damnation.

Key Plot Points

These key plot points make “Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus” a gripping and morally complex adventure, where players must navigate a hellish landscape and confront their own principles while unraveling the mysteries of the Nine Hells.

The Vanishing of Baldur’s Gate: The adventure begins with the mysterious disappearance of the city of Baldur’s Gate, which is suddenly dragged into the first layer of the Nine Hells, Avernus. Players must uncover the cause of this cataclysmic event and find a way to return the city to the Material Plane.

Zariel’s Corruption: Players learn that Zariel, an archduchess of Avernus and formerly an angelic protector of the city, has fallen from grace and now rules Avernus with an iron fist. Her corruption is a central theme of the adventure, and players must decide whether to redeem her or oppose her.

The Infernal War Machine: Players have the opportunity to acquire and customize infernal war machines, powerful vehicles capable of traversing the hazardous terrain of Avernus. These war machines become a crucial element in the adventure, aiding the party in their quest.

Elturel’s Plight: Elturel, another city, is also trapped in Avernus. Players must navigate the dangerous wastelands of Avernus to rescue the city and its inhabitants. This quest involves uncovering the dark secrets behind Elturel’s predicament.

Companion NPCs: Throughout the adventure, players can encounter and recruit various companion NPCs, each with their own unique backgrounds, goals, and abilities. These companions can become valuable allies or sources of conflict, adding depth to the story.

The Bleeding Citadel: The climax of the adventure takes place at the Bleeding Citadel, a stronghold in Avernus where players confront Zariel and make critical decisions that determine the outcome of the story. The fate of Baldur’s Gate, Elturel, and the multiverse hinges on these choices.

The Infernal Rapture: As players venture deeper into Avernus, they encounter bizarre and terrifying locations, including the infernal city of Dis, the River Styx, and the Wandering Emporium. These locations present both challenges and opportunities for the party.

The Path to Redemption: Throughout the adventure, players are presented with moral and ethical dilemmas. They must decide whether to prioritize redemption, self-preservation, or other goals. These choices influence the ultimate resolution of the story.

The Return to Baldur’s Gate: The adventure concludes with the potential return of Baldur’s Gate to the Material Plane. The city’s fate is in the hands of the players, and their decisions determine whether it is restored or left in Avernus.

Key Themes

“Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus” explores several key themes that add depth and complexity to the adventure. Some of the prominent themes include:

Corruption and Redemption: One of the central themes of the adventure is the concept of corruption and the possibility of redemption. Zariel, the archduchess of Avernus, serves as a prime example of this theme. Players must decide whether to attempt to redeem her or oppose her tyrannical rule. The theme of redemption also extends to other characters and NPCs encountered along the way.

Moral Dilemmas: Throughout the adventure, players are confronted with difficult moral choices. These choices often involve weighing the greater good against personal gain or the well-being of individuals against the fate of entire cities. The decisions players make have far-reaching consequences, emphasizing the moral complexity of the story.

Infernal Corruption: Avernus is a plane of pure evil and corruption, and the theme of infernal corruption permeates the entire adventure. Players must navigate this treacherous landscape while resisting its corrupting influence. The infernal war machines, the environment, and the inhabitants of Avernus all reflect this theme of corruption.

Power and Ambition: The pursuit of power and ambition is another key theme. Characters, including Zariel, are driven by their desire for power and the lengths they are willing to go to achieve it. Players may also grapple with their own ambitions and the temptation of power as they progress through the adventure.

Sacrifice and Selflessness: Sacrifice and selflessness play a significant role in the story. Characters may be called upon to make personal sacrifices for the greater good, and the willingness to do so is a recurring theme. The concept of heroism and what it means to be a hero is closely tied to acts of selflessness.

The Nature of Evil: The adventure raises questions about the nature of evil, the choices individuals make, and the possibility of redemption even for those deeply entrenched in wickedness. It challenges players to confront evil in its various forms and consider the motivations behind villainous actions.

Friendship and Loyalty: Friendship and loyalty are explored through the relationships between player characters and companion NPCs. The bonds formed during the adventure are tested as characters face moral dilemmas and challenging situations. Themes of trust and loyalty are integral to the narrative.

Descent into Darkness: As the title suggests, the adventure is a descent into darkness both literally and figuratively. Players start in the city of Baldur’s Gate and descend into the infernal depths of Avernus. This physical descent mirrors the moral and ethical challenges they face as they navigate the Nine Hells.

These themes combine to create a rich and thought-provoking narrative in “Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus.” The adventure encourages players to grapple with complex ethical choices, explore the nature of evil, and consider the possibility of redemption in a hellish and unforgiving setting.


Whether you’re a Dungeon Master seeking to guide players through this epic tale or a player eager to explore the depths of Avernus, “Descent into Avernus” offers a memorable and emotionally resonant experience. 

It is a testament to the power of storytelling in tabletop role-playing games, where choices matter, and the consequences of those choices shape the course of the adventure.


Who is the intended audience for this adventure?

The adventure is designed for both Dungeon Masters (DMs) and players. DMs can use it to run a campaign, while players can participate in the story as heroes.

What level range does this adventure cover?

The adventure is designed for characters starting at level 1 and can take them up to level 13 or 14, depending on how the DM chooses to run the campaign.

What are some notable locations in Avernus that players will visit?

Players will explore locations such as Elturel, the Bleeding Citadel, the infernal city of Dis, and the River Styx as they descend into Avernus.

Are there moral dilemmas in the adventure?

Yes, “Descent into Avernus” is known for presenting players with moral and ethical dilemmas. The choices they make can have significant consequences for the story and the characters they encounter.

Can players customize infernal war machines in the adventure?

Yes, players have the opportunity to acquire and customize infernal war machines, powerful vehicles that aid in traversing the hazardous terrain of Avernus.

Are there companion NPCs in the adventure?

Yes, players can encounter and recruit various companion NPCs throughout the adventure. These companions have their own backgrounds, goals, and abilities.

What is the legacy of “Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus” in the D&D community?

The adventure has been well-received by the D&D community and has inspired various adaptations, fan creations, and memorable player stories. It continues to be a popular choice for D&D campaigns.

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