Came To Believe PDF Free Download

“Came to Believe” is a phrase often used in the context of recovery from addiction, particularly within the framework of 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It refers to the moment when an individual begins to accept or believe in the principles and steps of the program, as well as in the possibility of recovery from addiction.

In the context of AA, “Came to Believe” specifically refers to the second step of the program, which states: “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” This step emphasizes the importance of recognizing a higher power as a means of finding recovery and maintaining sobriety.

For individuals in recovery, “coming to believe” often involves a shift in mindset, acknowledging that there is hope for change and healing, and accepting the support and guidance offered by the program and its members.

Name of the PDFcame to believe pdf
No. of pages197
Categorynovel, fiction, contemporary 
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Background of “Came to Believe”

“Came to Believe” is a significant piece of literature within the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) community, offering a collection of personal stories that illustrate the diverse ways members have found to cultivate a personal understanding or relationship with a power greater than themselves, often referred to as a “Higher Power.” 

This exploration of spirituality is central to the recovery process in AA and is encapsulated in the book’s title, which echoes the phrase found in the program’s Third Step: “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.”

Origins and Development

  • Foundation in AA’s Principles: The concept of coming to believe in a Higher Power is foundational to AA’s Twelve Steps, particularly the second and third steps, which focus on recognizing a power greater than oneself and deciding to entrust one’s will and life to this Higher Power’s care.
  • Publication History: “Came to Believe” was published to gather and share individual experiences from AA members around the world, showcasing the wide range of spiritual awakenings and journeys within the fellowship. It aims to provide hope and inspiration to members, especially newcomers struggling with the concept of a Higher Power.

Content Overview

  • Personal Narratives: The book is a compilation of stories from AA members who share their journeys from doubt or disbelief to faith and trust in a Higher Power. These narratives cover a broad spectrum of spiritual and religious backgrounds, reflecting the inclusive nature of AA.
  • Spiritual Diversity: The stories in “Came to Believe” underscore the principle that there is no one-size-fits-all concept of spirituality in AA. Members share their unique paths to spiritual awakening, whether through traditional religious faiths, personal spiritual insights, or other means.

Role in Recovery

  • Facilitating Spiritual Awakening: For many in AA, accepting the idea of a Higher Power is crucial for recovery. “Came to Believe” serves as a resource for members to explore and find their own spiritual footing, reassuring them that the journey is personal and varied.
  • Supporting the 12-Step Process: The book reinforces the steps that require a spiritual foundation, particularly Steps 2, 3, and 11, by providing real-life examples of how other members have navigated these challenges.

Impact on the AA Community

  • Encouragement and Hope: By sharing a wide range of spiritual experiences, the book offers hope and encouragement to members, especially those who may feel skeptical or uncertain about the spiritual aspects of the program.
  • Promoting Open-mindedness: “Came to Believe” plays a crucial role in promoting an open-minded approach to spirituality within AA. It helps to broaden members’ perspectives on what spirituality can mean and how it can be a vital part of their recovery journey.

Key Themes and Messages in the Book

“Came to Believe” is rich with key themes and messages that resonate deeply within the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) community and beyond, reflecting the diverse and personal nature of spiritual growth and recovery from alcoholism. Here are some of the central themes and messages conveyed through the personal narratives found in the book:

The Diversity of Spiritual Experience

  • Individual Paths to Spirituality: The book emphasizes that there is no single way to understand or connect with a Higher Power. The stories illustrate that spiritual awakenings and connections can vary greatly from one person to another, accommodating a wide range of beliefs and experiences.
  • Inclusivity of Beliefs: A key message is the inclusivity and acceptance of various religious and spiritual beliefs within the AA framework. This theme supports the idea that AA is a program for everyone, regardless of their specific spiritual or religious background.

The Process of Coming to Believe

  • Gradual Awakening: Many stories highlight that coming to believe in a Higher Power is often a gradual process, not a sudden revelation. This process can involve moments of doubt, questioning, and exploration before reaching a personal understanding or faith.
  • Open-mindedness and Willingness: A recurring theme is the importance of maintaining an open mind and a willingness to explore spirituality. These attitudes are presented as crucial for individuals who are initially skeptical or resistant to the concept of a Higher Power.

The Role of Spirituality in Recovery

  • Empowerment through Surrender: The narratives often discuss the paradoxical strength found in surrendering one’s will to a Higher Power. This act of letting go is portrayed as a key step in overcoming addiction and gaining control over one’s life.
  • Spiritual Practices: The book highlights various spiritual practices and principles that members have found helpful in their recovery journey, such as prayer, meditation, and living in accordance with spiritual principles like honesty, humility, and service to others.

Community and Shared Experience

  • Strength in Fellowship: The stories underscore the importance of the AA community in supporting each member’s spiritual journey. The shared experience of recovery fosters a sense of belonging and mutual understanding.
  • Learning from Others: “Came to Believe” promotes the idea that one can draw inspiration and insight from the experiences of others in AA. The diversity of stories encourages members to remain open to learning from the spiritual journeys of their peers.

Transformation and Hope

  • Personal Growth: The book reflects on the transformative power of coming to believe in a Higher Power, noting how this belief can lead to profound personal growth, improved self-esteem, and a more fulfilling life.
  • Hope for the Future: A central message is the hope that spirituality brings to individuals struggling with alcoholism. The stories convey that, regardless of how desperate one’s situation may seem, recovery is possible through faith, the support of the AA community, and the practice of the program’s principles.

Impact on Readers and AA Community

The impact of “Came to Believe” on readers and the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) community is profound and multifaceted. This collection of personal stories does not only serve as a source of inspiration and hope but also plays a crucial role in the recovery process for many individuals. Here’s an exploration of its impact:

Inspiration and Hope

  • Offering Hope: For many individuals struggling with addiction, “Came to Believe” provides a sense of hope that recovery is possible. Reading about others who have faced similar challenges and overcome them can be incredibly motivating.
  • Spiritual Connection: The book helps readers who may be skeptical about the spiritual aspect of recovery to see how diverse and personal spirituality can be. This realization can be pivotal in their willingness to embrace the concept of a Higher Power in their recovery journey.

Spiritual Awakening and Growth

  • Encouraging Open-mindedness: By showcasing a wide range of spiritual experiences, the book encourages readers to keep an open mind about spirituality. This can lead to personal spiritual awakenings, which are central to the recovery process in AA.
  • Facilitating Personal Reflection: The stories in “Came to Believe” prompt readers to reflect on their own beliefs and spiritual journey, often leading to deeper self-understanding and growth.

Strengthening the AA Community

  • Fostering a Sense of Belonging: The book reinforces the idea that everyone in AA is on a shared journey, albeit with personal variations. This sense of shared experience strengthens the bonds within the community.
  • Promoting Inclusivity: “Came to Believe” highlights the inclusivity of AA, showing that the program welcomes people from all spiritual and religious backgrounds. This inclusivity can make the community more welcoming to newcomers and those with differing beliefs.

Recovery Support

  • Supporting the 12-Step Process: The narratives support the implementation of AA’s 12-Step program, especially Steps 2 and 3, which involve coming to believe in a Higher Power and deciding to turn one’s will over to this Power. Reading about how others have navigated these steps can provide practical guidance and support.
  • Enhancing Understanding and Empathy: By sharing personal stories of struggle and recovery, the book enhances readers’ understanding and empathy for others in the community, fostering a more supportive environment.

Personal and Group Reflection

  • Discussion and Reflection: “Came to Believe” is often used as a tool for discussion in AA meetings, facilitating group reflection on spiritual matters. This collective reflection can deepen members’ understanding of the spiritual principles of the program.
  • Guidance for Newcomers: For newcomers to AA, the book serves as a guide to understanding the role of spirituality in recovery. It offers a welcoming introduction to the concept of a Higher Power, showing that one’s understanding of this Power can be personal and evolving.


“Came to Believe” stands as a pivotal work within the Alcoholics Anonymous literature, offering a profound exploration of spirituality through the lens of personal recovery stories. This collection not only provides hope and inspiration to individuals grappling with addiction but also illuminates the diverse pathways to spiritual awakening that lie at the heart of AA’s philosophy.

Its impact extends beyond individual readers, fostering a sense of community, inclusivity, and shared understanding within AA. By highlighting the varied experiences of coming to believe in a Higher Power, the book encourages open-mindedness, reflection, and growth, making it an invaluable resource for anyone on the journey of recovery.


What is “Came to Believe”?

“Came to Believe” is a collection of personal stories from members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) that explores the wide variety of ways individuals have found to develop a personal concept of a Higher Power. The book is designed to inspire and offer hope to those who are seeking their own spiritual path within the framework of AA’s Twelve Steps.

Who should read “Came to Believe”?

This book is intended for anyone involved in or interested in the recovery process through AA, especially those who are exploring the spiritual aspect of recovery. It is particularly helpful for newcomers or those who struggle with the concept of a Higher Power.

How does “Came to Believe” fit into the AA program?

“Came to Believe” supports the AA program by illustrating the practical application of Steps 2 and 3, which involve coming to believe in a power greater than oneself and deciding to turn one’s will and life over to the care of this Higher Power. It provides real-life examples of how different members have interpreted and integrated these steps into their recovery.

Can “Came to Believe” help if I’m skeptical about spirituality?

Yes, the book is especially valuable for individuals who are skeptical or unsure about the role of spirituality in recovery. By showcasing a broad spectrum of spiritual experiences, it encourages an open-minded exploration of what a Higher Power might look like for different people.

Is “Came to Believe” affiliated with any specific religion?

No, “Came to Believe” is not affiliated with any specific religion. AA is a spiritual program rather than a religious one, and the book reflects this by including stories from members with diverse spiritual and religious backgrounds. It emphasizes the principle of finding a Higher Power “as we understood Him,” allowing for personal interpretation.

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